Twin Cities Airsoft™ (TCA) Regular Walk-on Game Rules

These are the main standard rules for Twin Cities Airsoft.
Giant Airsoft Game™ has it's own set of rules. Giant Airsoft Game Rules

All players will need a barrel cover and a Red dead rag (12" by 12"). If you do not have them we sell barrel covers for $8 and Dead rags for $5.

TCA is a Bio BB only course!

Transporting your Airsoft guns:
- TCA requires all players who are coming to our courses to transport their guns responsibly. Please store guns out of sight from others while driving to us . In a gun case or in the trunk of you car is best.

- There is no firing in the staging area. EVER! It doesn’t matter if the gun isn’t loaded (dry firing). Guns should remain on safe until you enter the field of play or are in an approved test fire or chronograph area.
- There should be no magazines in your guns in the staging area. EVER! This includes both rifles and pistols.
- You should have an actual (not homemade) barrel blocking device on the barrel of your gun. Pistols can be holstered. Acceptable barrel blocking devices include: barrel sleeves, barrel plugs, and barrel caps. Items such as gloves, socks, or your hand are never acceptable. Barrel blocking devices should be a standard piece of gear all Airsoft players own.

These rules are to assure a safe staging area and to protect all the people present at an event from an accidental discharge. In the event that a player is repairing an Airsoft gun he should get clearance from organizers or staff before they attempt to cycle or dry fire.

- Our staff will shoot the guns and if it passes it will be tagged (usually a colored zip tie). If a player’s gun is over our limit, it will not be allowed. If a player is found to be playing with an unmarked and or previously unchecked gun they will be banned from all future events. No exceptions.

1. All full-auto guns must adhere to a 30 Rounds Per Second Rate of Fire cap.
2. All AEG’s guns must chrono at 317FPS (less than 1.5 joules) using field provided .32g BB’s. (this is equivalent of 400FPS with .20BB's)
3. All HPA/GBB guns must chrono at 317FPS (less than 1.5 joules) using field provided .32g BB’s.


1. Sniper Rifles must be either Bolt-Action or Locked to semi-automatic only through means which cannot be changed on field and can be verified by a referee at any time upon their request.
2. Semi-automatic Sniper system must not be capable of shooting more than 1 round per second​.
3. All snipers must adhere to a 100 foot minimum engagement distance. To shoot within 100feet a sniper must switch to a backup which falls into the standard chrono range.
4. Bolt Action/AEG Sniper rifles must not shoot more than 394FPS using field provided .32’s
5. HPA/Gas powered Sniper Rifles must not shoot more than 394FPS using field provided .32’s


  1. While on the field and chrono range - eye protection must be on at all times. There are no safe zones or times.

  2. Eye Protection: All players must wear approved eye protection with a tight seal around the face and a retention strap with no gaps.

  • Approved eye protection:
    - ANZI rated lenses
    - Full seal
    - Incudes a retention strap

  1. No mesh eye protection is allowed.

  2. Malfunctions happen. Return to the staging area immediately if your eye protection needs attention.

  3. Players found without proper, approved eye protection will be ejected fro the game. No excuses.

  4. Full face protection: Players 17 years old and under must only wear a paintball mask system (Full face and ear protection) This is an insurance company requirement. Players 18 and older are encouraged to wear full face protection but it is not required. Shard solid full mask or a hard or mesh lower face shield in combination with full seal goggles is acceptable. Fabric items such as shemaghs, balaclavas and bandanas are not acceptable lower face protection for players 17 and under.

After you’ve been given a briefing on what kind of game you will be playing it will be time to enter the field of play. The following rules are very straight forward but need to be learned in the correct order to avoid issues.

1. Put on and secure your eye protection. This is always your first step.
2. Enter the field of play. At some sites this may be a physical barrier (netting, a door, etc.) at others a simple marked boundary.
3. Remove your barrel blocking device.
4. Load your Airsoft gun.
5. Turn off your safety and play or test fire as needed.

When the game is done or you are leaving the field of play for any other reason the following procedures are required.

1. Eject and stow your magazine.
2. Point your Airsoft gun in a safe direction and fire in semi 3-5 times to verify there are no remaining rounds.
3. Turn your gun to safe.
4. Affix your barrel blocking device.
5. Exit the field.
6. Take off your eye protection.

These procedures will become second nature to you after you play some games and are logical in their order and function.

Unless otherwise noted the following are the basic rules of all TCA events.

1. Shots anywhere to the body, including gear, count as a hit.
2. Gun hits do not count as an hit.
3. No shots within a 10 feet radius unless in a Surrender situation (details below).
4. No “Blind Firing,” you must see your target and have your weapon shouldered or in direct line of site to the target.
5. Opposing players that unintentionally bump, crash, or otherwise meet by accident while searching for each other should both be considered out. This is to avoid point blank engagements or “panic fire.”

There is absolutely no aggressive physical contact allowed at TCA events. Fighting is grounds for immediate expulsion from the event. Depending on the severity of the incident the player may be banned from all future TCA events, public admonishment for their behavior, and if necessary law enforcement will be contacted.

Hit Recognition: When you are hit raise your hand(s) over your head and yell loudly “I’m hit!!” or otherwise signify you have been eliminated. Do this quickly and leave the area of engagement as quickly as you can to avoid getting in the way and avoid getting shot further. Dead rag (bright red bandana or shop towel) pull it out and wave it to further indicate your eliminated status or place it on your head and exit the area.

Surrender Rules: Twin Cities Airsoft does not allow players to engage targets within a 10-foot radius unless in a Surrender situation. The primary reason to make a Surrender call is to show respect for another player by not shooting, and possibly injuring, the player that you have the obvious and uncontested advantage over. The Surrender rule is in place to avoid point blank engagements.

For a Surrender to be legitimate, the following condition must be met between the player asking for the Surrender (Attacking Player) and the Opposing Player:

1. The attacking player has totally surprised the opposing player and is in total control of the situation within the 10 foot no shoot radius. The opposing player cannot resist because they have been effectively flanked and were unaware of the attacker until they called for the Surrender.

Multiple players (such as players in a trench or bunker) can be surrendered, but only if the above condition applies to every player being Surrendered.

The following is the proper procedure for calling a Surrender:
1. The attacking player is to have their Airsoft gun properly shouldered & aimed, finger off the trigger, and call out “Surrender” loud enough for the opponent to hear.
2. The opponent is to respond immediately by calling out “I surrender,” “out,” “dead” or any other suitable response in a loud enough voice so that it can be heard.
3. Once a player Surrenders and calls themselves out, they may not be engaged.
4. Attempting a Surrender with a broken or empty gun is considered valid (though poor form). An unarmed player cannot call a Surrender.
5. Use of Plastic Training Knives is allowed and considered valid. Also called a “Knife Kill,” all tactile Surrender Calls must be honored immediately. Use of sticks, branches, or any other make-shift weapons to call for a Surrender is not allowed and will result in the immediate elimination of the Attacking player.
6. Players are not allowed to throw objects to obtain a Surrender.
7. Players are not allowed to charge at others to obtain Surrenders.

Players who attempt to Surrender an opponent must realize they run the risk of being shot at close range. Despite how “cool” some players think Surrender calls are, they should not be what you are striving for in a game. The purpose of Surrender calls is to keep people from getting hurt.

TCA has a simple yet effective emergency procedure which we call the “Blindman Rule”. Whether it is an injury or game issue a Blindman call signifies the halting of all play immediately, no exceptions. If you have an issue or injury or see one you need to stop active play so yell out “Blindman” as loud as you can and continue until another player, game organizer or referee has come to assist you. The Blindman call should be echoed by all players and will continue until all players on the field have been notified.

Players not involved in the Blindman call must safety their weapons, and await further instructions. Players are not allowed to take advantage of this break in the action to advance to a better position; rather they should stay exactly where they are. Also, players should not remove their masks or safety gear until notified. Think of it as a time-out.

When the Blindman call has been resolved the game organizers and referees will notify the players if/when the game will continue. Communication is key in these situations and should be taken seriously.

Airsoft is a game of Honor and Sportsmanship. There is no paint like in paintball; no defining marks for hits, just one player’s word versus another and being that Airsoft rounds are relatively small it can be difficult sometimes to even feel a hit. Players tend to hear or see a hit more often than not, which means the opportunity to ignore hits and continue playing is always a possibility. Players who attend TCA events must strive to exemplify fair play and always call their hits, regardless of circumstance. In situations where a player isn’t sure, they should give their opponent the benefit of the doubt and simply call themselves out. Most of the games we play involve reincarnation, which means players will be back in the game in the matter of minutes.

Cheating will not be tolerated at TCA events. If a player is proven to be cheating they will be ejected from the event and depending on the severity of the circumstances may be banned from all future TCA events.

It is also customary to acknowledge particularly good hits, just a simple “Nice Shot” call to the opposing player can make all the difference and you as a player stand out as a good sportsman.

If you ever have questions at events; be it during the safety briefing, before a game, hanging out in the staging area, or even if you need clarification on a rule, make sure to ask a game organizer or referee. The TCA staff is there for your safety and to make sure you know the rules.

Twin Cities Airsoft is not responsible for lost or stolen items. The police will be called if anyone is cought stealing.
Any items left at TCA for more than 30 days will be given away, donated or thrown away.